MSRP: Call For Price
Oil Navigation Radar
Antenna Size4 ft or 6.5 ft or 8 ft
Antenna TypeOpen Array
Display TypeColor LCD
Beam Width0.95 degrees or 1.23 degrees or 1.8 degrees
Power Output12 kW or 25 kW or 50 kW
Range96 nm
Prices and Specifications Subject to Change Without Notice.
All prices shown are in USD. Prices are valid in US and Canada only.

Oil Radar for offshore and onshore installations
FOIL200 Oil Spill Detection Radar is connected to standard Furuno FAR2xx7, FAR2xx8, FAR15x8, or FAR3000 X-band navigation radar. Oil Spill Detection Radar can be used in offshore and onshore installations together with standard Navigation Radar. The installation can be done onboard the vessels, oil rigs or any other platform where the Radar is needed to detect oil spills.

Mark oil spills, process and analyze raw Radar video
The Oil Radar detects oil spills automatically and creates a polygon to mark the spill. You can mark the oil spills manually with polygons and update them whenever it is required. You can also take screenshots from the screen and record the raw Radar video to the external hard disc or memory stick for future evaluation or training purpose.
FOIL200 uses raw Radar video from the Navigation Radar. The special, high-performance algorithm is used to process and analyze the raw video to detect oil spills. To achieve the most efficient image to detect oil, you can change between different Fusion modes and see the result in real time on the screen. Oil spill image is created with an integration of up to 100 Radar antenna scans. Generated image is based on motion compensated Fusion scans. Adjust the Fusion Scan number together with Fusion Mode.
Recommended Additions
Call For PriceDetails12 kW Transmitter, 96 NM Radar System with 19" Color LCD Display, less Antenna - go to FAR2218BB
Call For PriceDetails25 kW Transmitter, 96 NM Radar System with 19" Color LCD Display, less Antenna - go to FAR2228BB
Call For PriceDetails12 kW Transmitter, 96 NM Radar System with 23.1 Inch Color LCD Display, less Antenna - go to FAR2218BB
Call For PriceDetails25 kW Transmitter, 96 NM Radar System with 23.1 Inch Color LCD Display, less Antenna - go to FAR2228BB
$9,995.00Details4.3 Inch Color LCD Display, Satellite Compass with Three GPS Antenna Receivers (0.25 degree Heading Accuracy)