MSRP: $420.00
Interface Converter NMEA2000-NMEA0183 for CSH8LMK2
Prices and Specifications Subject to Change Without Notice.
All prices shown are in USD. Prices are valid in US and Canada only.

Connect your CSH8LMK2 Sonar to your NavNet TZtouch2/TZtouch3/TZtouchXL Network!
The IF-NMEA2K2-8L is a premade converter that allows bi-directional navigational data between TZtouch2/3/XL networks and a CSH8LMK2 Sonar, including reception of an Event Mark from a CSH8LMK2 to TZtouch2/3/XL MFDs. A CSH8LMK2 NMEA0183 data port connector is attached.