MSRP: Call For Price
3D Sonar Visualizer
Display SizeSupplied Separately
Display TypeSupplied Separately
Frequency20 kHz
Range5000 m
Prices and Specifications Subject to Change Without Notice.
All prices shown are in USD. Prices are valid in US and Canada only.
Turn your existing Sonar into a stunning 3D presentation!
3D Sonar Visualizer™ F3D-S is a revolution in visual processing of fish distribution, working in conjunction with the FSV-25/FSV-25S to show fish and sonar information in 3 dimensions. Using the hull unit of your existing sonar, F3D-S processes the information in a unique way to show fish, peaks, and seafloor data in a 3 dimensional “real world” view. The seabed can be removed from the picture to leave just what you want to see...fish! Clearly see the size and shape of midwater fish marks to assess the best way to fish them and, with careful and simple adjustment of the depth line control, remove the seabed echoes to visualize fish schools close to the seabed.

3D View
The 3D-View mode allows you to view the surroundings from all angles. It is the ideal tool to have for an accurate 3D representation of the area.
In 2D view, it can be difficult to get a clear understanding of the height or depth of a fish school without careful use of the tilt control. This becomes even harder in shallow water. Using 3D Sonar Visualizer™ F3D-S allows you to remove the seabed from the picture and gain a very clear understanding of the shape, height and depth of the fish mark.
3D Sonar Visualizer™ F3D-S also allows you to clearly see the way the fish mark is lying in relation to the vessel both along and above the ground.

Top View
The Top-View mode displays all echoes in a single horizontal plane around your ship. This mode allows you to accurately assess the horizontal distance to a fish school and know its direction with precision.

Side View
The Side-View mode displays all echoes in a single vertical plane as seen from the stern of the ship. When the "Rotate Top-View/Side-View" mode is activated, this vertical section image is linked to the viewpoint of the 3D-View mode. This mode is used to measure the depth of a school of fish.

Vslice View
The Vslice-View mode shows the echoes in a vertical plane and in a specific orientation, same as the vertical echoes of FSV-25/25S. It can display vertical planes in two different directions. The Vslice-View mode is very useful for viewing the echo in a vertical plane at a specific direction. In addition, it makes it possible to compare the depth of two targets located in two different directions.

View multiple water layers simultaneously
Fish schools of surface to middle layer can be observed at the same time, making it easy to see the exact distribution of fish schools at a glance. Easily deduce the optimum tilt angle of horizontal mode for simple and reliable monitoring of any object underwater.

Anticipate Fish Escape Behaviors
Because the movement of fish schools can be viewed instantly, 3D Sonar Visualizer™ allows fishermen to prevent by-catch and anticipate fish escape behaviors

Ideal for Purse Seiners
Purse Net Mark:
With the Purse Net Mark, you can generate a visual 3D representation image of the net. This virtual net in 3D allows you to compare size and depth of both the fish schools and the net for better and faster decision making.

Invaluable for Trawlers
Trawl Mark:
Display marks for the trawl door, net, and wire in the 3D representation image. When a fish school is detected, trawl marks assist in positioning the doors and net for a bigger catch.