MSRP: $2,395.00
Prices and Specifications Subject to Change Without Notice.
All prices shown are in USD. Prices are valid in US and Canada only.

Reliably monitor the Watch Officer's presence for maritime casualty avoidance
The BR500PA Pilothouse Alerter System, designed with tug operators in mind, detects when a master or a mate becomes incapacitated. This "dead man alarm" is a specialty Bridge Navigation Watch Alarm System, or BNWAS. The BR500PA consists of the BR500 Main Panel, BR530 Timer Reset Panel, two BR540 Cabin Alarm Panels, and a BR560 Motion Detector.
The Furuno BR500 BNWAS monitors the operator's presence through watch safety system functions. An operator is required to press the button on a Timer Reset Panel or to operate navigation equipment at certain preset intervals. If the operator fails to press the button, operate connected equipment or trigger optional motion sensors within preset intervals, visual and audible alarms will be generated in the wheelhouse. If an operator doesn't respond to the alarm, the BR500 transfers the alarm to the Cabin Panels installed in other sections of the vessel in order to inform crew of the operator's incapacity.
BR500 BNWAS Guided Tour
Take a Guided Tour of the BR500 BNWAS