MSRP: $1,600.00
Bronze, Thru-Hull CHIRP Transducer with 12-Pin Connector, Low-Freq: 42-65 kHz, High-Freq: 130-210 kHz
Prices and Specifications Subject to Change Without Notice.
All prices shown are in USD. Prices are valid in US and Canada only.

Transducer Features
The B265LH-12P is a bronze thru-hull CHIRP transducer for use with NavNet TZtouch3's built-in Fish Finders. The B265LH-12P comes complete with high-speed fairing block
Traditional marine Fish Finders operate at discrete frequencies such as 50 kHz and 200 kHz, use relatively short-duration transmit pulses, and use narrowband sonar transducers. In contrast, CHIRP (Compressed High-Intensity Radar Pulse) uses a precise sweep pattern of many frequencies within a long-duration transmit pulse from a broadband transducer. The equivalent sound energy transmitted into the water is 10 to 1,000 times greater than a conventional marine Fish Finder. The echo energy returning to the transducer is likewise superior to that generated by a conventional transducer. The combination of CHIRP, a broadband transducer, and Furuno’s superior Digital Signal Processing, results in dramatically increased fish and bottom detection.
The B265LH-12P CHIRPS across the following bandwidths:
- Low-Frequency: 42-65 kHz
- High-Frequency: 130-210 kHz