Repair turn-around time at Furuno USA
What is the estimated shop turn-around time for a repair at the Furuno repair facility in Camas,WA?
Time required for repair generally varies depending on the season. On average, our shop quotes a turn-around time of approximately two weeks from the date the unit enters the building. This is average for NORMAL circumstances. Our shop policy is "first come, first served". However, if you require your repair to be expedited, please send a request in writing with your unit, stating the date you need the unit and the reason for the rush repair. We will do our best to accommodate your schedule, but there are no guarantees.
For Repair information or to discuss sending an item in for repair, please contact our facility in Camas, WA at 360-834-9300. For Customer Service or Technical Support you may contact us at our Camas, WA or Denton, MD facilities. See the numbers listed below.
Camas, WA 360-834-9300
Denton, MD 410-479-4420