FCV587 or FCV627 Bottom Alarm
How do you setup a bottom alarm on an FCV587 or FCV627 sounder?
To set a bottom alarm, you would go to MENU - ALARMS and select/setup one of your possible 5 alarms.
For example, if you wished to setup a depth/bottom alarm for 5 feet; you would turn on one of the alarms, then go to the settings of that alarm. You could change the alarm name to DEPTH ALARM, then select: Fish type = Off, Temp = off, Bottom Type = off, and BOTTOM to "ON". Next, leave the "From" to zero and set the depth "SPAN" to 5 feet. This will cause an alarm anytime the depth is 5 feet and under. You can also change the alarm SOUND under the settings, so you can tell the difference between this alarm and a normal fish alarm that you may setup.