Displaying PC computer video on a 10.4 inch NavNet display


​I would like to output my PC computer VGA video onto a 10.4 inch NavNet display. What equipment and/or settings are required?


​The 10.4 inch NavNet display requires installation of the optional 008-523-070 video interface kit. This will allow any composite video input to be displayed by pressing [DISP] and selecting the EXT. VIDEO icon on the NavNet display. This video is only available on the display with the video interface board installed, and is not available on any other displays on the NavNet network.
Interfacing a PC computer will require a VGA to composite converter unless the computer has a TV type composite output port on the video card. This may or may not require setting the computer video to 640x480 resolution, depending on the computer video card capabilities.
Please note: The video interface kit can be installed only in a 10.4 inch NavNet display.