Contacting Furuno Departments
If I need to call Furuno with a question about a product, which department should I ask for?
If you can not find your answer here in our FAQ knowledge base, you may need to call Furuno or one of our authorized Furuno dealers directly. You may find a local authorized Furuno dealer using the "Where To Buy" link here on our web site. If you need to call Furuno directly, use the following guidelines to have your call routed correctly the first time:
The Repair department can give you an update on a unit you have sent to Furuno.
The Customer Service department can provide information about purchasing and availability.
The Technical Support department can help you with installation and operational questions.
For Repair information please contact our facility in Camas, WA at 360-834-9300. For Customer Service or Technical Support you may contact us at our Camas, WA or Denton, MD facilities. See the numbers listed below.
Camas, WA 360-834-9300
Denton, MD 410-479-4420