Capt. John Ellis
Home Port: San Diego | Goto Vessel: Custom 68' Nordhavn Trawler | Electronics: NavNet TZtouch2/TZtouch3
About Capt. John:
John Ellis has been a Saltwater Enthusiast his entire life. A passionate angler, diver, surfer and spearfisherman John has taken his passionate pursuits around the world to anywhere that there is an ocean and something to see or catch. Much of the last 20 years have been spent on a 23’ Mako and a 28’ Grady White plying Southern California waters and the waters on both side of the Baja peninsula fishing and spearfishing.
John recently upgraded his platform to his dream boat a newly built Custom 68’ Nordhavn Expedition Trawler that was custom built and outfitted to Fish and Dive the world with his Family and friends.
John is an inspired Photographer and Videographer, committed to sharing his experiences above and below the surface on his YouTube channel Riding Dragon and @ridingmvdragon on Instagram.